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Bhagavad Gita - Complete Reference
Bhagavad Gita - Complete Reference-
** This app also contains "The Essence of Bhagavad Gita" by Srila Narayan Maharaja **<br><br>** This translation is complimentary to the authoritative and popular Bhagavad-gita As It Is by Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada. **<br><br><br>** This edition of Srimad Bhagavad-gita contains the
Sri Jagannath
Sri Jagannath-
Shri Shri Jagannath Mahaprabhu lord of the Universe is the supreme solace and saviour of countless devotees around the world. since time immemorial, His monumental and magnificent Shrine at Shri Purusottam-Kshetra (Puri, Orissa) one of the four major Dhamas of India has been a most sacred centre of
Sri Bhasya
Sri Bhasya-
The Sri Bhasya is the most famous work of Sri Ramanuja, (1017–1137). It is his commentary on Sri Badarayana's Vedanta Sutra. It was completed when he was around a hundred years old (citation required). <br><br>In his commentary, Ramanuja presents the fundamental philosophical principles of Visistadv
** Full 12 Cantos of Srimad Bhagavatam **<br><br>** Search words for verses as well as English translation of any words .<br>** Read full chapter without purport and also read individual verses with detail purport.<br>** Maintain your own favorite list with verses as well as lectures (only delet
** FULL Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat text and Audio (WiFi for Audio) **<br><br>** LECTURES English - HH Radha Nath Swami (WiFi required)<br>** LECTURES Hindi - HH Bhakti Rasamrat Swami(WiFi required)<br>** LECTURES Bengali - HH Bhakti Charu Swami(WiFi required)<br><br>** Sri Shiksastalam in text and audi
Gita As It Is
Gita As It Is-
Bhagavad Gita AS IT IS - Translation ans Purport by HDG A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.<br><br>** Many lectures of HDG A C Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada on his journey in the WEST to establish the Hare Krishna Movement around the world. **<br><br>** Thousands of audio lectures linked with the
** Complete Mahabharata in both English &amp; Sanskrit**<br><br>It has been called the national epic of India, and it is that, in very much the same sense that the Iliad is the national epic of Classical Greece. The Mahabharata is the story of a great war that ended one age and began another. The st
Gospel of Sri Ram Krishna
Gospel of Sri Ram Krishna-
Gospel of Sri Ram Krishna<br><br>Sri Ramakrishna, (1836-1886) was a Bengali mystic who had a huge impact on the development of modern Hinduism. His chief disciple, Swami Vivekananda, not only helped revive Hinduism in India, but also introduced Hinduism to the West. Ramakrishna was a non-dualist wor
Valmiki Ramayan<br><br><br>Ramayana is one of the great epics of India. <br><br>This story of Sri Rama by the great sage Valmiki is referred to as the Adi Kavya.<br><br> Other famous versions of Ramayana include Shri Ram Charit Manas in avadhii by Goswami Tulasidas and Kambar’s Kambaraamayanam in Ta